The Poetry Society

A collection of learning resources from The Poetry Society

Using adjectives

Black and white illustrations of animals and plants including a whale, butterly and oak leaf, with NPD 2022 6 October in the centre on a green splat

National Poetry Day 2022: Daisy Chains (The Environment)

National Poetry Day 2022 is on Thursday 6 October, and what better way to explore this year's theme of 'The Environment' than by reading a poem by a recent Foyle Young Poet, and writing new poems in response?

Using Daniel Wale's prize-winning poem 'Daisy Chains', this KS2-3 resource asks you to think about how our environment can be transformed through description and detail, as the daisy is woven into a chain. How might we use setting as a metaphor for relationships?

We are Trees

This resource brings together poetry and science to explore the relationship between trees, names and identity. It focuses on Maple trees, and includes discussion points and creative writing activities inspired by Talulah Quinto's 'Maple', a winning poem from the Foyle Young Poets of the Year Award 2019.

Topics: trees, the ecosystem, biodiversity, identity, naming

Literary features: repetition (anaphora), tenses, symbolism, adjectives, juxtaposition


Climate Change and Adventures in Writing

Helen Mort uses Romantic poetry as a springboard into exploring climate change and poetic landscapes, discussing images and key texts to build towards the final ‘challenge’: a self-portrait poem.

Eccentricity and Sound - Edith Sitwell

Jane Anderson uses two poems by Edith Sitwell to offer ways into looking at her fascinating, innovative style, and gives suggestions for creative responses. At a glance: reading, writing, literacy, confidence, sound.

The Art of Translation: Making New Versions of Mexican Poems

Don Cellini introduces students to the process of translation, and shows them how to translate themselves using poems by Pedro Serrano. At a glance: translation, descriptive language, imagery, sound.

Great title randomiser

Poet Philip Gross teaches students to explore creating poetry titles as a group. At a glance: group poems, juxtaposition, using nouns, using adjectives, sound.

Poetry Train

David Harmer and Roger Stevens use a collection of activities, poems, and advice for teaching poetry in primary schools. The two share proven approaches based on poems by Carol Ann Duffy, Jackie Kay, David Harmer, and Roger Stevens.

Split definitions

Mahendra Solanki helps pupils look at familiar objects in a new way. At a glance: confidence, reluctant writers, using adjectives, group poems, playing with language.

A way into metaphor

Pupils will work through several stages to develop imagery that will bring their poems to life. At a glance: using adjectives, simile and metaphor, nature imagery, conceit poems.

Intensive writing

Peter Samson helps pupils practice observational writing by letting details speak for themselves. At a glance: art, imagery, poetry of place, quick exercise, using adjectives.

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